Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Peaceful Moments

its these moments that i savor life. my husband snoring, my dog snoring, the cat purring...just  checked on the hot little boy kicking off his covers and the daughter burrowed under her pillows DEAD to the world. the peace that covers the house. makes the messy kitchen feel clean, the laundry disappears and i feel organized. i know its fleeting but still i enjoy that feeling of pure bliss. warmth, contentment and peace.
happy thanksgiving to the world and the ones i love.

Monday, November 12, 2012

10 year old Hurricane

hurricane sandy has nothing on hurricane hannah. i certainly don't want to diminish the tragedy that affected so many people on the east coast but we had our own weather anomoly. 10 year old Hannah.
i know other mothers are going through this so i do feel better knowing that we are not alone in this unstable, unpredictable stage of puberty. but oh my goodness. i know that i had grand illusions of not repeating mistakes that my mother made with me (or what i thought were mistakes) and being a mother that my daughter will want to be a part of her life for a very long time. but when that little devil comes out, i wonder what the heck i ate during my pregnancy that spurs that behavior? its like a literal switch is flipped and all reason/logic/respect goes out the window. i know 10 year olds are just figuring those things out anyway but holy heck.
linda blair/damien/they all come into mind. i have to laugh which makes it worse. i find that its either blazing angry that she could chose now to have a fit and hysterical laughter that my sweet little girl is this raving lunatic? the voice changes, the eyes get a little crazy and there is absolutely no reasoning with her. its like she cannot hear you through the screeching.
i suppose its the blessing of motherhood, the constant learning and adapting of the ideals you thought you would practice. i often wonder if i was a fulltime mother if my kids would be different. of course they would be..but would it be better? i have to say no because i don't know that it would have been right for me. so stop that line of thinking and figure out how to deal with these hurricanes? i mean my darling little girl is in there. when she is on, its a miracle. people often comment on how amazing she is, organized, mature, helpful....maybe that is too much pressure? and like nature it explodes into a whirlwind that has to run its course.
thanks blog for letting me blab.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Sweet Little Brother Starts Growing Up

So it finally happened, my beautiful little boy, my angel who still likes to cuddle with me turned into a real boy. A real boy that likes to torture his sister, that has discovered throwing, pinching, punching and tattling. Oh horrors. Hannah wears the evidence in the middle of her forehead and nose like a beacon. Oh mom, I didn't know that ice was that hard!! Really? Hold on for the ride!

Friday, January 6, 2012

how many more mornings are we going to do this?

8 years ago!

where did this beautiful little girl go? you know the one who put on whatever mommy laid out or 
gave her a choice of?  am i really going to have to go through more mornings of i hate you, i hate my clothes, i hate corduroy, i only want to wear jeans, slamming doors, tears, screaming.....seriously, we've been up for 20 minutes and we are already at screaming?  i tried the poor children who don't have a closet full of clothes would love to have your wardrobe. i tried fine, wear what ever you think your friends will think that is a cool outfit..i tried Hannah, I am doing this for you, to be sure you are warm and comfortable and that you look like a little girl whose parents love her and care about  her. Yeah, none of those worked. So we all leave feeling tense, angry, frustrated and yes wondering...where did this beautiful little girl go?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

School Sports

I have joined the ranks of bleacher parents. I had no idea that I would be overcome with the obnoxious urge to yell, whistle and sideline coach. Never! and I have another 11 years of this? Good luck to me and thank god for those patient people who sign up to be coaches.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jacks 7th Angry Bird Birthday.

So I'm thinking this is one of the last themed parties I will need to do! I have done this to myself, I know....creating expectations that mom will create this really cool party and of course its 2 days before christmas! 

we used those elementary school brick building blocks
and a stuffed AB toy! 

Masterpieces....not by me!
the Pignata...i just love saying that word!
So Angry Birds was the theme and there are some wonderful graphics online that I took advantage of. With the great font i downloaded and some imagination and the plethora of Angry Bird merchandise, the party was a smashing success!

great ideas online... and more
and for the balloons...

back to blogging....

i spend a good deal of time on the computer whether it be work or pleasure. i peruse recipes, look up craft ideas, shop for kids clothes and stalk Pinterest! i catch up with friends on FB (a place I never thought i would go) and i read mommy blogs with joy and relief! i don't consider myself a great writer or a witty poster but i do want to remember things and what better place to do that than a blog. they make it too easy.
so hello 2012, looking forward to this year of memories and laughter.

two dogs and a stroller? well long ago, my husband and i were talking (dreaming) about our ideal business. well, it was his but of course i had lots to say about it. we had a baby and two black labs...a friend of ours did a logo cause well...i was on a roll. and i thought i would roll it out 8 years later. its a great name, its a great logo and we might have two kids (and no more stroller!) and one dog now but the concept is the same. life is chaos! enjoy!