Friday, January 6, 2012

how many more mornings are we going to do this?

8 years ago!

where did this beautiful little girl go? you know the one who put on whatever mommy laid out or 
gave her a choice of?  am i really going to have to go through more mornings of i hate you, i hate my clothes, i hate corduroy, i only want to wear jeans, slamming doors, tears, screaming.....seriously, we've been up for 20 minutes and we are already at screaming?  i tried the poor children who don't have a closet full of clothes would love to have your wardrobe. i tried fine, wear what ever you think your friends will think that is a cool outfit..i tried Hannah, I am doing this for you, to be sure you are warm and comfortable and that you look like a little girl whose parents love her and care about  her. Yeah, none of those worked. So we all leave feeling tense, angry, frustrated and yes wondering...where did this beautiful little girl go?

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