Monday, November 12, 2012

10 year old Hurricane

hurricane sandy has nothing on hurricane hannah. i certainly don't want to diminish the tragedy that affected so many people on the east coast but we had our own weather anomoly. 10 year old Hannah.
i know other mothers are going through this so i do feel better knowing that we are not alone in this unstable, unpredictable stage of puberty. but oh my goodness. i know that i had grand illusions of not repeating mistakes that my mother made with me (or what i thought were mistakes) and being a mother that my daughter will want to be a part of her life for a very long time. but when that little devil comes out, i wonder what the heck i ate during my pregnancy that spurs that behavior? its like a literal switch is flipped and all reason/logic/respect goes out the window. i know 10 year olds are just figuring those things out anyway but holy heck.
linda blair/damien/they all come into mind. i have to laugh which makes it worse. i find that its either blazing angry that she could chose now to have a fit and hysterical laughter that my sweet little girl is this raving lunatic? the voice changes, the eyes get a little crazy and there is absolutely no reasoning with her. its like she cannot hear you through the screeching.
i suppose its the blessing of motherhood, the constant learning and adapting of the ideals you thought you would practice. i often wonder if i was a fulltime mother if my kids would be different. of course they would be..but would it be better? i have to say no because i don't know that it would have been right for me. so stop that line of thinking and figure out how to deal with these hurricanes? i mean my darling little girl is in there. when she is on, its a miracle. people often comment on how amazing she is, organized, mature, helpful....maybe that is too much pressure? and like nature it explodes into a whirlwind that has to run its course.
thanks blog for letting me blab.

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